
Friday, November 19, 2010

What Is God?

What is god? God is not a manmade story. God isn’t “up there”. God doesn't punish the bad or reward the good. God wont come to my rescue when I need it or give me what I want. What is faith? Is it something full of regret? A thougt that someone has forced on us like a duty? Is it a tradition full of lies? What is religon? Was it made by an ignorant man centurys ago? Or was he enlightened but became misunderstood along the way? Was it meant to heard us like sick cattle? Is it even worth debating and waring about? Isnt god hope in pain? Isnt god compassion for another living being? Isnt god understanding and precious time with loved ones? Isnt god the earth that supports us and the air that gives us life? Isnt god knowledge? Isnt god attainable and not a far away creature of a sick imagination forced apon people? I don't believe god teaches hate or blinds us with ignorance. I don't believe god wants to punish us with “sin” and make our own or other lives miserable.*Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe


  1. Of course God isn't "up there". God is everywhere. We can't compare him/ her/ it with any living or non-living things that we know! It's a complete other dimension that God's got.

  2. I agree. god is a complete other dimension. Thats why it is so easy and difficult to explain at the same time.

  3. A spiritual divinity is whatever you want it to be, not what others say it is.

    For me, faith is like love, science can not prove it exists, however, they can prove its effect on people. This is the same for faith.

    Like a lover, a church can be self serving, envious, manipulative and pretty nasty. We owe it to ourselves to ensure that our faith, like a good lover, enriches our lives and makes us appreciate how wonderful it is to be alive.

  4. I agree a spiritual divinity is whatever the persons choice is. I have known so many people with opinions and religious views forced on them and these are my thoughts.
