
Thursday, December 30, 2010

It’s Showtime

I watched a video and they talked about innocence. People on shows are arguably innocent. You don't actually know how they are. They have an image marketed twards a target audience. Its all mixing work and play. Seems fun yet, later when you understand its difficult. You must play a part and keep it interesting or fail the game. Don’t be shocked everyone does it. Were all people don't be so serious. Be what you want now don't wait for aproval because many share your goals and fight hard. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so but I have to take the beatings and move on. What is actual innocence anyways? Kids know more than you know if you think they're ignorant. Hidden motives can make and break you. How do you know who is actually winning in the end. Do you actually know the whole story in all points of view? Do you overexpand or underuse sympathy? Do you help too much or too little? I can never have a clear point can I :)? I love this!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I don't care if I have to scream or slam doors. I will bite and scratch to the top even if its without you. I will not be neglected. I will acquire Acknowledgment no matter what. You will hear ME you will see ME no matter what!! Your opinions are meaningless. The only valid opinions are those I like. Test me I pass through obstacles momentarily. I don't need your approval or anyone elses. I’ve lived with lack of acknowledgment especially yours. The search has been over. Excitement is over. When I think of you I feel nothing. Its all dead now along with worries and fear. It has been replaced by passion and knowledge. End *if ya like comment and follow *

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Language Converter Websight

One of the things that make a blog big other than creativity is exposure right? It would be cool if everyone in the world was interesed in my views. What if there was a language converter sight that converted your blog into every langage. I always thought it would be cool to speak every, language why not write them? Also some blogs look interesting but I don't understand the words. I would love to post drawing and picks but I don't have the tools. :( Seriously I would love to make that sight. Whats a catchy name? Do they have one of those sights? What do you guys think about a blog language converter websight? *comment and follow :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ugh are you still talking?

I can't stand when people mumble. If you can't help it I am patient. Its the annoying personality mixed with mumbling I can't stand. My sisters boyfriend disturbs me to the point of insanity! He always talks crap, good thing I don't understand a word. :) I ignore anger and would laugh in someones face. I know ignorance is stupidity. In most situations violence should be the last resort. If someone is of no physical threat and you hit them or say they will, they have low mental strength. You can't win an argument so you resort to violence. That is beyond childish its primitive. If you can't deal with the argument why did you start it? He talks crap about people and thinks its ok. I can't stand racism I don't care if it's your own. You can't talk crap about a group of people. We’re all humans get over it! What just makes you angry? How do you win arguments? *Comment and subscribe :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

No! I don't want to give you my phone number!

No I don't want to give you my phone number you stupid website. Why are these websites asking for phone numbers? This is insane! Whats the big idea? Why do they want our numbers? I don't want them to call me. There is no good enough reason. Are you willing to give websites your number? Why? *comment and suscribe :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

05. Jake Wolf and Sonny Moore 04. Hugs 03. The Lake 02. The Theatre 01. Drawing and Blogging What do you love to do? Comment and suscribe :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Media, Tv, Internet, and WhatSoEverz

Tv is slowly fading. Internet is taking over. We see and hear more opinions than ever. We can hear from anyone 10+. But unfortunately for most of the old outlets theres not enough money from tv or internet to survive those who can make it must be intelligent, interesting and lucky. People will not waste there time on anything boring. We have things to do, so our response is give me what I want now, how I want it, or I will not buy it. Everything is updated. Nobody likes commercials and like cheap cost so they buy video streaming without commercials. Or if you can't pay we get to watch what we want that might have commercials or change to one that doesn't and find better quality. Its good that people are criticising the media especially if they’re wrong. People have more of a voice than ever. What are your predictions of the future, and thoughts on media? please share:) *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Human Cloning

I was looking for ideas to write about on my blog. I love controversial opinions because thats when I learn about how people think. Human cloning seems interesting to think about. It makes me think of aliens or monsters that come to life. I hear speculative stories that the government is doing experiments. The accusations are debatable but what if it was true? How would it happen? Would they be treated like people, robots or monsters? It seems possible because animals have been cloned. I don't believe clones are the same as the genetic parent. They would have different brains and only be genetically the same like fraternal twins. I have wonderd what it would be like to have a twin but I don't like the idea of cloning. Also I like being original and hate being confused with other people. What do you think about cloning? please share:) *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I remember when my siblings and I where super young. We jumped off of our bunkbed. We didn't have much else to do that was fun. We didn't know the concept loud noise means others can hear you. To us if the bedroom door was closed we where alone. Nobdy else was there especially our parents. We where scared they would be furious if they heard us ( of course they did ) . If we saw them open the door or come in a room we would stop everything and watch. We where on the bunkbed our mother opend the door we froze. My brother didn't get the memo. He jumped. When he turned around he was shocked. Do you have an interesting childhood story? please share:) *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe and discuss

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Problem

The problem isn't me its where I look. The problem isn't how I interact its who I interact with. The problem isn't how I talk its who I talk with. I haven't found some of the correct people sometimes. That annoys me when things don't go to expectation. I must find another route when things don't go how they should. *Feel free to Comment, Follow, Discuss and or Subscribe* Interesting thoughts are welcomed

Teachers Are Leaders

A teacher has the most important job. Some don't know the power they hold guiding the future. They must know how to talk to children. They must know about emotional abuse and avoid it. Students are suprised if teachers don't yell at the class. It should the be opposite. There are never enough teachers to a class. Each child needs special care. How in the world can one teacher care for 30 kids its impossible! Good teachers need support and others should reconsider there career choices. If students are not intrested and engaged in the lessons what are they actually learning? When do the students iteract with each other and the teacher? When will they use there talents? Are they being cared for properly? What are the teaching methods? Shouldn’t the parents ask the caregiver? Parents and authority should reach an understanding and give the child the best possible life. *Feel free to Comment, Follow, discuss and or Subscribe* Interesting thoughts are welcomed

Monday, November 22, 2010

Performance Addiction

I must be on stage to get that rush of adrenalin I crave. I will make you see the world through my eyes in any shape or form I please. Those worthy, listen, come, sit, watch the show. Limelight follows with lazer precision. I am you for one day. Your eyes are open hearts. For one moment I take you into my world. We are taking a trip in your mind as you are my story. Every moment is a love of escape. You hang on every word I speak. I can view the window to your soul. I say what you couldn't say. I speak what you didn't know you thought. You are not alone as long as im here. When you need me I will be found as your searching through the depths of your mind. End of show. You fall back eager for more. *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe and discuss

First Audition

I had my first audition not too long ago. The location was a warehouse. It was so exhilarating. Especially when I had to climb the atticlike stairs to the roof that scared me half to death. She told me to read some lines. We actors call this cold reading. I worked my magic. We talked. At the drop of a hat it was over leaving me eager for more. I hope a stage is this exciting. *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe and discuss

The Quiet Child

This is a small quiet child.This child is without much knowledge of socialization skills. All that is known are visions seen with the eyes, what sound that happens to be whispered into the ears, and thoughts imbeded into the mind. Maybe lack of socialization skills brings ignorance of interaction from others. It definitely doesn't allow the child to give voluntary interaction. The child knows the teacher is there and obeys. Except maybe the childs socialization ignorance or because the teacher is busy with other children, the child has no interaction with the teachers, and many more to come. Why is this child like this? Is there a reason? *Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subcsribe and discuss

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Is God?

What is god? God is not a manmade story. God isn’t “up there”. God doesn't punish the bad or reward the good. God wont come to my rescue when I need it or give me what I want. What is faith? Is it something full of regret? A thougt that someone has forced on us like a duty? Is it a tradition full of lies? What is religon? Was it made by an ignorant man centurys ago? Or was he enlightened but became misunderstood along the way? Was it meant to heard us like sick cattle? Is it even worth debating and waring about? Isnt god hope in pain? Isnt god compassion for another living being? Isnt god understanding and precious time with loved ones? Isnt god the earth that supports us and the air that gives us life? Isnt god knowledge? Isnt god attainable and not a far away creature of a sick imagination forced apon people? I don't believe god teaches hate or blinds us with ignorance. I don't believe god wants to punish us with “sin” and make our own or other lives miserable.*Feel free to Comment, Follow or Subscribe

Dear Pissy School

The advisor was too nice. She made me feel welcomed almost like I belonged. She gave me too much hope. I know most artists don’t get along well with school. I thougt I had a chance. I hoped and prayed for the moment I would be accepted. Then hopefully experience a new life and meet new people. What happened is you let me down. It is hard to settle with the disappointment of searching for something better. I feel like a waste. My hopes and dreams deferred. But I need action! I feel bored and frustrated. The point is I know who I am but you have no idea. All you can judge me on is scribbles on a piece of paper and finacal background. The fact is you do not know my personality or potential. Thats ok because artists do not get along with school right? I will try not to be too bitter I know now that all it is is a buisness.*Feel free to Comment, Follow and or Subscribe* Interesting thoughts are welcomed

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Sound

We are the age of synthetic beats. We have the power to twist and control our world. We have the strength of imagination. We take information and document it with precise visions. We amplify the sound of our voices.We will break those who stand in our way to knock us down. We are lovers and fighters. We seek light from pain. We control our own destiny. We will not be brainwashed by your propaganda. We have a higher empty twards ethical standards. Now you occupy our world because we are not in yours.*Feel free to Comment, Follow and or Subscribe* Interesting thoughts are welcomed

Conversaton Starter

__I have read things about our generaton that may or may not be true. It is true we are masters of technology (dad, it works like this). It may be true a lot of us are more liberal. Yeah we know its hard to find a job. Like every generaton before us the older people do not understand our music. __ What concerns me the most is who will be the representative of this generaton? Who will listen to us? What will shape our minds? Do we have to wait untill our fifties to have an actual decision in our political lives? __ What is our actual impact? What is your opinion of this generaton ?What interests you? *Feel free to Comment, Follow and or Subscribe* Interesting thoughts are welcomed