
Thursday, December 30, 2010

It’s Showtime

I watched a video and they talked about innocence. People on shows are arguably innocent. You don't actually know how they are. They have an image marketed twards a target audience. Its all mixing work and play. Seems fun yet, later when you understand its difficult. You must play a part and keep it interesting or fail the game. Don’t be shocked everyone does it. Were all people don't be so serious. Be what you want now don't wait for aproval because many share your goals and fight hard. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so but I have to take the beatings and move on. What is actual innocence anyways? Kids know more than you know if you think they're ignorant. Hidden motives can make and break you. How do you know who is actually winning in the end. Do you actually know the whole story in all points of view? Do you overexpand or underuse sympathy? Do you help too much or too little? I can never have a clear point can I :)? I love this!

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